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Allison Acord (McCoy)
Muffin Alford
Dee Anderson
Lisa Andrews (Polkinghorn)
Ann Arnold (Graham)
Amy Bean (Bean)
Prissy Bean (Snelling)
Rick Beeler
Vince Bernd
Barbie Berryman (Felton)
Cissy/Cecilia Beszborn (Ma…)
Michele Bilansky (Bryson)
Melissa Bolding
Analisa Brandt (Frazier)
Lisa Brooks
Mark Brophy
Jeffrey Brown
Vanessa Brown (Starry)
Todd Buning
Harry Cagle
Tracy Cernan (Woolie)
Ellen Chafin (Wavro)
Missy Chapman (Shelton)
Lee Chilton
Laura Clinton (Fulton)
David Coad
George Coltrin
Catherine Casey Conley
James Cook
John Cowan
Judy Cuenod
Kimberly Cunningham (Lenz)
Susan Daniel (Keeble)
Tommy Davies
Kyle Davis
Sara Dement
Shelby Derrick
David Dodd
Bryan Dougherty
Brad Dowell
Chip Dudley
Joe Duncan
Brad Dunn
Doug Elmore
Jan Feld (Hammer)
Michael Feld
Kristen Fink (Opolski)
Michelle Fontenot
Frank Foster
Terri Fulweber (Morrison)
Sammy Giammalva
Ginger Gillum (Quiroga)
Becky Green (Hobgood)
Janet Greenberg
Shari Hart (Boothe)
MaryAnn Harvey
Ben Heinrich
Shannon Hendry (Drtil)
Nancy Hess (McDonald)
Heidi Hilty (Watson)
Fred Hink
Steven Hoff
Susan Hofker
John Howell (Howell)
Seth Howell
Julie Jackson (Turrentine)
Dawn Jensen (Kindred)
Lisa Joachim (Rubinsky)
Todd Johnson
Craig Keeble
Johnny Kennedy
Kristy Kissner (Sullivan)
Ken Knowles
Rodney Koy
Kim Krivan (Guinn)
Hal Kuntz
Caryn Landauer
Steve Leach
Kirk Lee
Stephen Leggio
Kay Lockshin (Schnuriger)
Marc Magness
Scott Margraves
Monique Marx (Marx)
(Jim) Derek Matjeka
Donna McBrien (Fraley)
Bond McCall
Connie McCarthy (Sigel)
Monique McCracken (Kursar)
Lili McDonald (Pickard)
Dana McDougal (Kurtin)
Catherine McGarry (Martinez)
James McGee
Andy McKay
Mike McTaggart
Mary Miaoulis (Rothwell)
Esther Miles (Forbus)
Tracy Miller (Wilkerson)
Mike Minnis
Jim Moebius
Mimi Morales (Leasor)
Jeff Mundy
Steve Murray
Shanna Neff
Sharon Nichols (Gregory)
Jennifer Nickell (Nickell)
Darryl Noon
Kent O'Keefe
Cindy Oliver
Jennie Oualline (Prideaux)
Cara Pinto
Jean Pressler (Visy)
Donald Puntch
Tressie Quebe (Grant)
Tom Ragsdale
Ricky Ramos
Karen Rathgeber (Hale)
Jonny Rauch
Lesley Roberson (Bettis)
Beth Robertson (Kirkpatrick)
Dede Rollins (Reck)
Bret Roper
Shaun Rupert (Mayner)
Karl Byron Schneidau
Diane Scholz (Jackson)
Donna Scoggins
Andy Selzman
Jon Sharp
Mark Shearer
Shirley Shelton (Meredith)
Kathryn Silver (Francis)
Cari Simmons (Fowler)
Leslie Simon (White)
Randy Smith
Zoe Snyder
Debbie Soto (Duffy)
David Spence
John Stavinoha
Meg Stow (Crowley)
Hilary Strong (Purcell)
Lisa Taylor (Pearce)
Vicky Tickell
Jim Tomforde
Mary Tritico (Wilson)
Kristen Tucker (Pierce)
Bill Van Hoy
Bob Vaughn
Ellen Verheul
Anna Voelkel (Scott)
Cathy Wakefield (Wertheimer)
Kelly Walters (Wilson)
Holly Waltrip
Greg Wellen (Wellen)
Paula Woodard (Ong)
Gertrude Wuensch
Carolyn Yapp
Alison Yates
Shana Yeargain (Aitken)
Diana Yee
Susan Zeier